Earth. Water. Air. Fire. Technology.
We don't just talk. We live what we preach. We show our expertise by working on products used by many people around the globe.

Elemental Kids
Child-care management platform for efficient and centralized communication with parents.
Elemental Mini
Fun and educational games for children and adults, to train their brains and challenge themselves every day.

Other services
Besides having our products we are actively involved in building the community and mentoring individuals, teams, companies and startups.

Transforming ideas into impactful products through strategy, execution, and customer focus.

Guiding startups from vision to traction with practical, hands-on expertise.

Inspiring teams to achieve more through clarity, trust, and collaboration.

Building scalable, user-driven solutions that bring your vision to life.
Contact Us
If you would like to find out more about our products or services and how you can leverage our expertise, contact us.
© Elemental Tech. All rights reserved.
The main purpose of this platform is to help business owners stay connected with parents by having single place of communication and work presentation and help parents be even more organized, to enable them to spend more quality time with their children and to stay connected with them while they are not together.The pace of everyone’s life is faster year after year, and that is where digitization comes in play. To speed up some of the processes that are done manually, to save time and money and use it in other aspects of business to increase further growth, businesses need to recognize this as soon as possible. We are all aware of how sensitive children’s data is. Therefore, our solution is offering fully encrypted saving of data within the system. Also, all photos are be available only for app users and only upon download on their device. Importance of data safety and GDPR is recognized, and it is our highest priority.For businesses this means collecting and storing paperwork that is possible to be kept in digital format, collecting and storing children and staff info and creating schedules of activities and meals. Publishing information about child’s educational progress, interests, successes, and failures in a form of a wall posts, made possible for institutions to promote the way they work and how they use their expertise. Most importantly, sending one-way notifications to whole institution, separate groups or parents individually is supported. Importance of two-way communication is recognized so there is an option to start a chat as well. Sending feedback if child ate, slept is just a click away.For parents, this is a single app where all information about different activities children attend is collected and presented. Platform requires all desired institutions to be onboarded to the Elemental Kids. Calendar where all schedules are presented, notifications and chat with all institutions in one place, walls and image galleries, invoices and their statuses, are key features that will keep parents connected with their children even when they are separated.You can visit our landing page for more information and to book a demo.
All children sooner or later get in touch with technology, phones, tablets, applications. Consuming all different kinds of content online is just a click away from them.We as parents need to educate them about the best ways to consume that content, so it's both fun and educational at the same time.That is why we have developed Elemental Mini, application that will, by using educational games, encourage children to think, spark their imagination, share new knowledge with them, and all that while having fun.And for older ones, we believe that each of the games can become part of their daily routine, place where they can relax and enjoy.First game that is part of Elemental Mini is REBUS! Using the rules for resolving the challenge find out what is the hidden object. User has 3 helps in front of them to be used when stuck with solving rebuses. With each solved rebus, you collect points and coins that can be replaced later for new rebuses. After successfully resolving each rebus, users are presented with fun fact that relates to the solution of the rebus. Have fun and learn at the same time.Second game that has enriched Elemental Mini is ŠIFARKO! Using logic, combinatorics, and a bit of luck try to guess the right combination of symbols in 6 attempts. Use one of the two hints: 1 or 2 symbols on the right place! Track your score on the leaderboard and compete with other players. Choose one of the symbol themes that suits you the most and enjoy while cracking the code!
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is handled in Elemental Kids.Onboard & Login
This is an invitation only platform which means that users can onboard only once they have signed the agreement with the institution and shared their email address with them.
When accepting invitation/login in to our app, users can choose to sign in with their existing Google or Apple accounts or by using a username and password.
We use the Google/Apple account SSO id to link the user with the specific account within the app. This data is used to protect the user privacy and no other data except SSO id is stored within the system.
When using username and password login method process is similar. Username is email that users have already provided to the institution and password is created by users on onboarding screen. We do not keep users password, it is saved on Firebase which is highly secure. We use SSO id which is linked to users email to link the users with the specific account within the app.We Collect No Personal Information Using Our Application
We do not collect, use, save, or have access to any of your personal data within the Elemental Kids.
All data is entered by the institution that has invited you to use the application and you have already signed the agreement with them.
All data is saved and can be used ONLY by the institution that has invited you to use the platform and is not shared with any other 3rd party.
Elemental Kids does not require access to users photos, videos or contacts.
In Elemental Kids for Teachers users are prompted with the consent screen to allow the app to use images and videos in order to share them with other users. Users can accept or decline the usage, but should be aware that declining will prevent them from sharing the content with other users.
Your data is stored and securely saved on the servers outside Serbia and is accessible only by the limited number of people.
Your data is stored while you have the account on the platform and is permanently deleted 30 days after your account has been deleted from the platform. Your data can be deleted prior the 30 days deadline on your request.
All personal information is encrypted and securely saved.App Analytics
To help us better understand how people use the Elemental Kids app and to continue improving them, we use analytics information provided by App Store Connect. This service provide us with some generic usage, and other statistics that are completely anonymous and cannot personally identify you in any way.Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected].SRB
* ELEMENTAL KIDS *Na osnovu Zakona o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti (na dalje: Zakon) Elemental Tech DOO Novi Sad, ulica Laze Nančića br. 4/27 mb. 21776785, pib. 112958124, direktor Lazar Milović kao obrađivač podataka o ličnosti u smislu ovog Zakona (u dalјem tekstu : Obrađivač), ovim putem obaveštava o obradi podataka o ličnosti (na dalje: podaci o ličnosti) sva lica na koje se ti podaci odnose (na dalje: Lica), na način kako dalje sledi:Rukovalac podataka
Ustanova sa kojom su Lica/zakonski zastupnici Lica zaključili Ugovor i po osnovu kog Rukovalac od Lica/odnosno zakonskih zastupnika Lica prikupilja i obrađuje podatke o ličnosti.Obrađivač podataka
Elemental Tech DOO Novi Sad, ulica Laze Nančića br. 4/27 mb. 21776785, pib. 112958124, direktor Lazar Milović.Lice za zaštitu podataka o ličnosti
Lice za zaštitu podataka o ličnosti Obrađivača određeno je od strane Obrađivača odgovarajućom Odlukom, evidentirano kod nadležnog organa i kontakt lica za zaštitu podataka o ličnosti objavljen je na internet prezentaciji Obrađivača.Podaci koji se prikupljaju i obrađuju
Podatak koji Elemental Tech prikuplja u Aplikaciji “Elemental kids”, sa ciljem omogućavanja funkcionisanja iste za potrebe Rukovaoca je email adresa Rukovaoca, koja nije podatak o ličnosti.Podaci o ličnosti koji mogu biti obrađivani u Aplikaciju “Elemental kids” (u zavisnosti od opcije koje Rukovalac odabere) od strane Rukovaoca su:
ime i prezime (zakonskog zastupnika Lica);
ime i prezime Lica (maloletnika);
datum rođenja Lica;
email adresu (zakonskog zastupnika Lica);
zdravstvene podatke Lica;
opredmećeni delovi ličnosti Lica u vidu fotografije/video zapisa.Svrha prikupljanja/obrade Ličnih podataka i način obrade
Rukovalac prikuplja i obrađuje podatke o ličnosti na osnovu Ugovora zaključenih sa Licem (odnosno zakonskim zastupnikom) i/ili pristankom, a koji su akti opredeljeni osnovnim funsionisanjem Rukovaoca u okviru vršenja svoje osnovne delatnosti.Podaci o ličnosti obrađuju se od strane Obrađivača u okviru Aplikacije “Elemental kids” na osnovu Ugovora zaključenih sa Rukovaocem i to : Ugovora o korišćenju i održavanju Aplikacije i Ugovora koji reguliše odnose Obrađivača i Rukovaocu u odnosu na zaštitu podataka o ličnosti i na osnovu kojih je Obrađivač ovlašćen da obrađuje podatke o Licu pod uslovima, na način i u rokovima koji su predviđeni ovim obaveštenjem.Obrađivač će u skladu sa Ugovorima sa Rukovaocem primenjujući Zakon o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti vršiti radnje obrade za Rukovaoca podataka Lica isključivo u svrhu nesmetanog funkcionisanja Aplikacije “Elemental kids” i to radnje : softverskog održavanja Aplikacije i čuvanja podataka.Aplikacijom “Elemental kids” Rukovalac unapređuje i digitalizuje način rada, povezuje se sa roditeljima, ostvaruje transparentsnost načina rada, omogućava povezivanje Rukovaoca, roditelja i dece, kao i olakšava uvid u raspored, aktivnosti i rad Rukovaoca.Podaci o ličnosti Lica prikupljaju se od strane Rukovaoca. Lica pristupaju i koriste Aplikaciju “Elemental kids” na osnovu zaključenog Ugovora između Rukovaoca i Lica ( i/ili zakonskih zastupnika Lica). Rukovalac Licu dostavlja pozivnicu za pristup Aplikaciji “Elemental kids”. Na osnovu pozivnice, Lice pristupa Aplikaciji “Elemental kids”.Obrađivač vrši samo radnje obrade ( softverskog održavanja i čuvanja podataka) podataka o ličnosti Lica u ime i za račun Rukovaoca, sve radi omogućavanja nesmetanog funkiconisanja Aplikacije “Elemental kids”.Prava Lica i opoziv pristanka
Maloletnom licu za obradu podataka o ličnosti pristanak mora dati roditelj koji vrši roditeljsko pravo, odnosno zakonski zastupnik maloletnog lica. Maloletno lice u korišćenju usluga informacionog društva, koje je navršilo 15 godina može samostalno da daje pristanak za obradu podataka o svojoj ličnosti, dok onom koje nije navršilo 15 godina pristanak mora dati roditelj koji vrši roditeljsko pravo, odnosno zakonski zastupnik maloletnog lica. Rukovalac preduzima sve razumne mere u cilju utvrđivanja da li je Pristanak dao roditelj koji vrši roditeljsko pravo, odnosno drugi zakonski zastupnik maloletnog lica, te u tom slučaju lice koje tvrdi vrši roditeljsko pravo, ili da je zakonski zastupnik maloletnog lica, dokaz o svom svojstvu mora prezentovati Rukovaocu.Lice ima pravo da od Rukovaoca zahteva pristup podacima, uvid u iste, kopiju, ispravku i dopunu istih, ažuriranje, prekid i privremenu obustavu obrade, kao i brisanje podataka u slučaju da : svrha obrade nije jasno određena; svrha obrade izmenjena, a nisu ispunjeni uslovi za obradu za tu izmenjenu svrhu; svrha obrade ostvarena, odnosno podaci više nisu potrebni za ostvarivanje svrhe; način obrade nedozvoljen; podatak spada u vrstu i broj podataka čija je obrada nesrazmerna svrsi; podatak netačan, a ne može se putem ispravke zameniti tačnim; se podatak obrađuje bez pristanka ili ovlašćenja zasnovanog na zakonu i u drugim slučajevima kada se obrada ne može vršiti u skladu sa Zakonom.Lice ima pravo da od Obrađivača (odnosno od Rukovaoca) zahteva pristup podacima, uvid u iste, kopiju, prekid i privremenu obustavu obrade, kao i brisanje podataka u slučaju da je istekao rok čuvanja podataka o ličnosti.Lice ima pravo na prenosivost podataka o ličnosti tačnije da njegove podatke o ličnosti koje je prethodno dostavilo Rukovaocu primi od njega u strukturisanom, uobičajeno korišćenom i elektronski čitljivom obliku i ima pravo da ove podatke prenese drugom rukovaocu bez ometanja od strane Rukovaoca kojem su ti podaci bili dostavljeni, ako su kumulativno ispunjeni sledeći uslovi i to da je obrada zasnovana na pristanku i ukoliko se ista vrši automatizovano.Lice ima pravo na prekid i privremenu obustavu obrade ako je osporilo tačnost, potpunost i ažurnost podataka, kao i pravo da se ti podaci označe kao osporeni dok se ne utvrdi njihova tačnost, potpunost i ažurnost.Lice čiji se podaci obrađuju ima pravo da u svakom trenutku podnese Prigovor na obradu Ličnih podataka koji se na njega odnose i to putem e- mail adrese: [email protected].Radi zaštite svojih prava u vezi sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti Lice može podneti Pritužbu Povereniku za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti, kao i pokrenuti odgovarajući postupak pred sudom.Lice čiji se podaci obrađuju po osnovu Pristanka upoznato da se Pristanak daje na dobrovoljnoj osnovi, te da je u svakom trenutku Lice čiji se podaci obrađuju, ovlašćeno da saglasnost opozove.Lice čiji se podaci obrađuju opoziv pristanka može učiniti izjavom volje da više ne želi da bude obavezan datom saglasnošću, s tim da opoziv ima dejstvo od momenta njegovog prijema od strane Rukovaoca/Obrađivača.Opoziv pristanka povlači sa sobom prestanak bilo kakve dalje obrade Ličnih podataka, i ne utiče na obradu podataka koja je vršena na osnovu pristanka pre opoziva.U slučaju nedavanja podataka od strane Lica (kao i podataka roditelja koji vrši roditeljsko pravo, odnosno drugog zakonskog zastupnika maloletnog lica) Obrađivač neće moći da pruži uslugu korišćenja/upotrebe Aplikacije „Elemental kids“.Rok čuvanja podataka
Podaci o ličnosti Lica čuvaju se za vreme trajanja Ugovora koji je zaključen između Rukovaoca i Lica/ zakonskog zastupnika Lica, odnosno za vreme trajanja korišćenja Aplikacije „Elemental kids“, sve prema uputstvima, obaveštenjima i nalozima Rukovaoca.Korisnik - Prenos podataka
Obrađivač samo po instrukciji Rukovaoca ili nadležnog organa, podatake o ličnosti koji se odnose na Lice čiji se podaci obrađuju, može proslediti nadležnim organima, u skladu sa odgovarajućim zakonom.Rukovalac putem Obrađivača prenosi podatke o ličnosti izvan teritorije Republike Srbije, radi vršenja radnji obrade – čuvanja/pohranjivanja na serveru u Saveznoj Republici Nemačkoj, a koja se nalazi na listi odobrenih zemalja od strane Republike Srbije.Obrađivač ima angažovanog podobrađivača za vršenje radnji održavanja platforme, sa čim se Rukovalac saglasio.Vršenje radnji obrade
Obrađivač/Rukovalac vrši radnje obrade podataka o ličnosti vrši automatizovano, ali se poslovanje Obrađivača (odnosno Rukovaoca) ne bazira na automatizovanom donošenju odluka, niti se vrši profilisanje, ni identifikacija.Obrađivač/Rukovalac ne prikuplja/obrađuje biometrijske podatke o ličnosti, jer kod istog ne postoji sistem identifikacije lica.Mere zaštite Ličnih podataka
Obrađivač u okviru svoje poslovne organizacije sprovodi sve neophodne aspekte zaštite podataka (organzacione, tehničke i personalne), uključujući, ali se ne ograničavajući na: tehničke mere zaštite; kontrolu fizičkog pristupa sistemu (Evidencija) gde su smešteni Lični podaci; kontrolu pristupa podacima;kontrolu prenosa podataka; kontrolu dostupnosti podataka; ostale mere informacione bezbednosti, kao i ostale mere koje su neophodne za zaštitu podataka o ličnosti.Obrađivač sve podatke čuva i obrađuje kao poslovnu tajnu, uz primenu svih raspoloživih tehničkih i organizacionih mera zaštite podataka u skladu sa Zakonom.Primena propisa
Rukovalac sprovodi načelo transparentnosti višeslojnim pristupom, te sve što nije regulisano ovim Obaveštenjem, regulisano je aktima Obrađivača, koje dokumente Lice može dobiti obraćanjem na email [email protected], sve u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti.Podaci o ličnosti roditelja/zakonskog zastupnika
Podaci o ličnosti roditelja odnosno zakonskog zastupnika maloletnog Lica koje u ime i za račun Lica potpisuju Ugovor ili/i Pristanak, daju se isključivo u svrhu zastupanja maloletnog lica i isti se čuvaju isključivo u tu svrhu.U odnosu na ostala prava roditelja/zakonskog zastupnika u pogledu zaštite podataka o ličnosti, isti se izjednačavaju sa Licem.
Terms Of Service
This Terms of Service describes what are the conditions for using the Elemental Kids.Company data
Company name: Elemental Tech doo Novi Sad
Address: Laze Nancica 4/27, Novi Sad, Serbia
Contact: [email protected]
Identification number: 21776785
VAT number: 112958124Intelectual property
All information presented and available within the application is the property of Elemental Tech. Elemental Tech has all rights to this product. Data within the application is the property of client institutions.
Visual and textual content can not be used by any 3rd party without Elemental Tech written consent.
By using our application, you agree that you won't use any content for redistribution, publishing, or selling without Elemental Tech written consent.Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Terms of Service or issues with using the application, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected].
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is handled in Elemental Mini.We Collect No Personal Information Using Our Application
We do not collect, use, save, or have access to any of your personal data recorded in Elemental Mini.
You might be asked to provide your date of birth, but this is only so we can offer you additional features in the future. This information is not mandatory.App Analytics
To help us better understand how people use the Elemental Mini app and to continue improving them, we use analytics information provided by App Store Connect and RevenueCat. These services provide us with some generic usage, transaction, and other statistics that are completely anonymous and cannot personally identify you in any way.Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected].
Elemental Kids to be part of the Phase 2 of Raising Starts 4.0 accelerator program!February 7th, 2024
Great news - Elemental Kids is one of the 21 teams chosen to continue the participation in Raising Starts 4.0, in the Phase 2 of the program!
We continue our development through individual sessions with business and tech mentors, and we also secured a financial boost that will speed up our development!
The accelerator program for early-stage startups Raising Starts is carried out by NTP Beograd with the support of the Government of Switzerland, in partnership with NTP Niš and NTP Čačak as part of the Tehnopark Serbia 2 project - Encourage export through the development of technology parks.
Thank you for your support!
Find out more at [NTP website] ( Kids chosen to be part of the Phase 1 of Raising Starts 4.0 accelerator program!November 13th, 2023
We were selected for Raising Starts, the first pre-seed accelerator program in Serbia intended for startup teams and companies in the earliest stages of developing innovative products and services! Through work with mentors, training and comprehensive professional support, the Program will enable us to acquire the knowledge and skills to accelerate the development of our innovation, open the door to the global market and reach new potential partners and investors. The program is implemented by the Science and Technology Park Belgrade, in partnership with the Science and Technology Park Nis and Science and Technology Park Čačak, with the support of the Government of Switzerland, within the project "Technopark-Serbia 2 -Encouraging exports through the development of technology parks".
In the coming period, we expect business workshops, exciting work with mentors and financial support for the best teams.
More information about the program is available on the website
Passionate product person with strong intuition. Data and common sense driven. A leader without a title.Are you struggling to turn your product idea into reality? Since 2016, I’ve been helping startups and businesses transform ideas into market-ready products. From competitor research and product discovery to go-to-market strategies, I guide teams through every phase of the product lifecycle.As the founder of Elemental Tech, I’ve led the development of Elemental Kids, a childcare management platform transforming how preschools communicate with parents. This experience has honed my ability to identify pain points, design scalable solutions, and deliver results, even within tight budgets.How I can help:■ Validate your product idea with competitor and market research
■ Build and refine your go-to-market strategy
■ Streamline product discovery and delivery processes
■ Mentor and coach teams to achieve peak performanceWhether you’re an early-stage founder or scaling a product team, let’s collaborate to turn your vision into a successful product.

Lazar Milović, product manager and mentor
This page helps users get the info on how to send inquiries about their data and the way to delete it.Company data
Company name: Elemental Tech doo Novi Sad
Address: Laze Nancica 4/27, Novi Sad, Serbia
Contact: [email protected]
Identification number: 21776785
VAT number: 112958124Request for data deletion guide
In order to request a data deletion from our app users should provide the developer with specific data that can help us address the request in the shortest period.
Data that is being kept for identification purposes is:
- user nameThe request should contain the following data:
- user name from the app
- number of points from the app
- number of coins from the app
- subscription typeThe request should be sent to [email protected].Contact Us
If you have any questions about your data or issues with using the application, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected].